St Mary & St Peter,
Hampden Park

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8. 12
Sometimes you'll hear people say, I'm a Christian but I don't need to go to church on a Sunday to talk to God. A Sunday morning lie in can be very tempting but it is important to make the effort to join with fellow Christians in worship.

There's a story of a vicar who went round to a long absent parishioner's house. The parishioner was sat by a coal fire. The vicar sat down in the arm chair opposite and without saying a word picked up the tongs and plucked a coal out of the fire placing it on the hearth. After a while the coal stopped glowing and began to die down, the vicar picked it up and put it back in the fire place where it began to glow once again. The vicar got up and left without saying a word. The next Sunday the parishioner was back in church.
Our Sunday worship in both St Mary and St Peter is a place in which your faith can be rekindled. We offer a friendly and warm congregation in which we praise God together, hear the Word, and meet and recieve our Lord in the sacraments.
Children are always welcome in our churches.
Please go here to find out when and where we are worshipping this Sunday.